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ATO claws back $850m in unpaid SG in FY 17-18

Compliance activities undertaken by the ATO in the 2017-18 financial year saw the ATO raise around $850 million in unpaid super entitlements.



Compliance activities undertaken by the ATO in the 2017-18 financial year saw the ATO raise around $850 million in unpaid super entitlements.

ATO deputy commissioner, superannuation, James O’Halloran said that during the 2017-18 financial year, the ATO received around 31,000 employee notifications and contacted approximately 24,000 employers.

“We also completed 19,000 employee-generated cases. Additionally, we initiated a further 13,000 SG audits and reviews based on our risk modelling. Total liabilities raised by this casework were approximately $850 million,” said Mr O’Halloran.


Miranda Brownlee
25 October 2018

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